Starbuck ( my yellow lab) and I went for a walk up to the water holding
tank in Marble. Of course it was an uphill endeavor as is most walks in
Marble. Once we reached the water tank my intended destination, I got
this little urge to bushwack my way up to the road (most people would
debate the label road) that I call the Mike Lane Road. Why that name?
Well, of course Mike Lane lives on that road thus my renaming of it.
Now when hiking there are a few rules. 1. Try to hike with a buddy in
case something happens. 2. Always tell someone where you are going so if
you do not come back they can try to find you. 3. Stick to the path if
at all possible. I sort of broke all three rules. I say sort of because
it was only a walk and not a hike. Rule number 1, I thought I could
count Starbuck. Rule 2, I was on a walk and not hiking. Rule number 3,
there was not a path where I wanted to go.
So I figured I was
justified in bushwacking my way up to the road. Mother, before you
panic, I was not going all that far and I knew that my destination was
to the left and up. So Starbuck and I started our little adventure. It
was not long before I remembered why it was called bushwacking. The
bushes and the brambles and the small trees and the thorns keep you from
going in the most direct direction to obtain your goal. Then it also
occurred to me that a machete would have been a handy little tool to
have. Oh well......
I do not know why once you begin these
impromtu adventures you suddenly remember that bears begin to come out
of hibernation this time of year and generally stay hidden in so called
bush. Oh well....my destination was not far and if they were just coming
out of hibernation they should be really sluggish and sleepy, right?
After all since I was on a walk and not a hike I had not broken the rules
previously mentioned and should not run into any bears. Good reasoning
I thought.
Starbuck and I tore our way through the brush
redirecting ourselves when neccessary, me climbing over felled trees,
her crawling under. We avoided what bramble we could, turned back from
thorns (did I mention a machete would have been nice) shoved our way
through other obstacles and reached our destination!!!! Yea!!!! We were
on the Mike Lane road! We were now headed down hill and the views were
spectacular as are all Marble's views!
As we were headed down, it occurred to me that bushwacking can be a lot like life. There are
those difficult times when none of life's rules seem to apply. There
are those times when there is no choice but to push through the thorns
and bramble. The way forward does not seem clear. But as in our case
today, we must keep looking up. For the clear way may just be through
the next obstacle. When we break through to the clear path we are
flooded with the knowledge that God is calling us forward and wooing us
with His unfailing love. We were never alone. He was always there.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own
understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your
paths." Proverbs 3:5-6