Monday, September 8, 2014

By the river.......We had a church retreat this weekend just around the corner from our Marble Community Church at Treasure Mountain Bible Camp. The first day was making the 13,552 summit of Treasure Mountain with three other church members. It was exhilarating to say the least! It was something that I was deeply grateful that I was able to do. I do not take these things for granted with all the things that I have experienced with my head! God's world is magnificent and I am so grateful that I can SEE it.

On the second day of the retreat I taught the women's session and one of the scriptures that we looked at was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazareth sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to His words, His teachings, learning from the Master. I encouraged the ladies to have a time of reflection somewhere quiet in the camp. I went to sit by Yule Creek, listening to it as it ran across the rocks creating nature's music. With the procedure I am having this week and with some of the sorrow that friends and family of mine are facing, I had a lot in my heart. But I sat still by the creek and opened my heart to Jesus and felt the sun on my face as if it was God Himself warming me with His love. Off to the right I caught a glimpse of wild raspberries. There were only a few left. I reached for them, picked them and popped them in my mouth! I was amazed that there were just those few left. It is a little late in the season for them.........Then I heard the Still Small Voice, "I am your portion, child." and I knew and I know that He is my "all in all."

"Martha, Martha you are worried and upset about many things but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better (or the better portion as some scholars say) and it will not be taken from her." Luke 10:41-42. .....We are blessed for we face nothing alone. He is our portion.

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